Above All Plumbing provided the Yuma Advanced Surgical Suites building with new domestic water piping, underground sanitary sewer & vents and commercial grade plumbing fixtures & plumbing equipment.

Our commercial plumbers installed over 680’+ of above-ceiling domestic hot and cold water piping and 400’+ of sanitary sewer and vent piping for this project. Our team also provided plumbing and installations for 15-floor drains, 7 single & double compartment sinks, 2 janitor sinks, 2 water heaters, drinking fountain, emergency eyewash station, 2 showers, 3 water closets, 4 other lavatories, and a surgical sink.

There was also a total of 10 interior backflow preventers installed throughout this building along with 2 exteriors backflows. We finished the project off with plumbing in the mechanical room, hooking up and providing piping to the water softener, air compressor, and another large commercial water heater.

Please click a picture below to view the project picture gallery, and be sure to contact us to learn more!